INTEGRart Volunteer in’ Kraków looking for participants
CULTURE & CREATIVITY PROJECT IN POLAND called INTEGRart Volunteer in’ Kraków looking for 6 participants aged 18-30 years old from European Union or Ukraine. Duration of the project is 01.10.2024-30.09.2025 in Kraków, Poland. You have choice between 1 vacancy in big cultural centre, 4 in local cultural clubs and 1 in high school. Application deadline: the sooner the better!
How to apply
Fill the application form here: https://volunteerinkrakow.dworek.eu/…/apply-for-integrart/ and send it with your CV to the address: esc@dworek.eu
Please express your interest in the opportunity:
This project is financed by the European Solidarity Corps programme: you will get accommodation (flat with three rooms in the city center), transportation (also city card), language support, monthly: money for food and pocket money. Your job will be to organize cultural and social events. More detail on our website in INFOPACK.
Application form
Written by Joseph, the volunteer from Klub Kultury Przegorzały.
For those already interested and ready to fill out our application form, here are some main rules to follow:
Elaboration is important when writing. Even if the question has a “yes” or “no” answer, try to respond with at least a couple of sentences.
For example, to the question “Would you describe yourself as a self-reliant person?” it’s much more desirable to receive a longer, more honest answer than a simple “Yes, I am.” Tell us how you have been or haven’t been self-reliant in the past, what you did about it, or what you want to do about it this year.
Another important aspect we want to see is your honest personality. Don’t try to portray yourself as an idyllic version of who you want to be someday. Tell us who you are right now, with all your perfect imperfections.
The project has seen too many individuals who didn’t turn out to be the same person as stated on their CV or Application Form.
Finally, for questions about the project itself, do some research beforehand. Show that you have checked the Instagram or Facebook page and that you have some knowledge of what this project involves.
More about the application process:
IntegrART Application Process – IntegrART Volunteer in Kraków (dworek.eu)