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Songwriting Workshop – intermediate group | Grupa zamknięta


ENG below

16 maja i 6 czerwca (czwartki) 18:00 – 20:00

Miejsce: Sala teatralna (oficyna)

Kontynuacja początkującej grupy warsztatowej dla osób od 16 roku życia. Uczestnicy dowiedzą się, jakie kroki powinni podjąć, gdy skończą już wymarzoną piosenkę – od spełnienia aspektów technicznych po promocję swojej muzyki. Warsztaty poprowadzi Daniil Karpov, muzyk z Krymu z ponad dziesięcioletnim doświadczeniem w tworzeniu utworów, który występował jako support-artist Toma Odella i Lery Lynn.  Warsztaty prowadzone są w języku angielskim.

Wydarzenie finansowane przez UE w ramach programu Europejski Korpus Solidarności.

16th of May & 6th of June, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Where? Theater Room at Dworek Białoprądnicki (ul. Papiernicza 2)

A continuation of the beginner’s workshop group. Participants will learn what steps they need to take once they have finished their dream song – from realising certain technical aspects to promoting their music. It will be hosted by Daniil Karpov, a musician from Crimea with over ten years of experience in songwriting. Daniil has performed as a support artist for, among others, Tom Odell and Lera Lynn. The workshop will be held in English.

Workshops funded by the European Union as part of the European Solidarity Corps programme.

You must be over 16 years old to participate.

Daniil Karpov | Aspen Grove

Aspen Grove is the pseudonym of Daniil Karpov. He is a Crimean singer-songwriter. After leaving his home, Daniil became a volunteer at the Art Studio for Ukrainian children in Tbilisi. He also took part in a non-formal education project as a Children’s Instructor at the Georgian Summer Camp. He currently lives in Krakow and volunteers at the Cultural Center „Dworek Białoprądnicki” as part of the European volunteer project IntegrArt.

Music, as Daniil says, is his true calling, but apart from composing and singing, he also has an extraordinary talent for telling unique stories that inspire his creativity.

Since November 2023 he has been hosting his own podcast Songs & Stories on JAZZKULTURA radio, in which music is intertwined with books, poetry, films and important cultural phenomena.

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